Healing has always been the hope of all beings. Humanity has always sought to be free of suffering through the healing of the physical body as well as healing the emotions, the mind and the spirit. Healing, as part of soul liberation, is essential before a soul can truly express its purpose.
Within each of us is the power of the soul that comes from God, the Great Being of the universe. This power of the soul, which permeates our subtle bodies and dimensions beyond the physical to heal and fix all problems naturally, is inherent in every soul-infused personality or soul-liberated person.
As we know, the sun is the source of energy and power of our solar system. Without the sun, the earth and also the entire solar system would cease to exist. Unknown to many is that the physical sun is ensouled by a great Intelligence that exceeds human comprehension. This Great Being dispenses the same healing energies throughout our solar system. This beautiful being of purity ensouling the sun is known to us as Amon Ra, the name given by the ancient Egyptians.
The healing energies from this Great Being, Amon Ra, directed through the Spiritual Hierarchy of planet Earth, down to all the kingdoms of this planet (mineral, plant, animal and human) upon the invocation of the truly sincere and pure hearted lightbearers, will be anchored to the locations where healing is needed.
For aeons of time, these same energies have healed the consciousness of every being, thus enabling spiritual progress. The purpose of this healing is to help humanity and all the kingdoms of this planet to evolve spiritually, in order to free all life.
The healing energy from the sun helps the individual to move to a more spiritual path. A consequence of this process is physical and emotional healing.
In preparation for your healing, we ask for your active participation, since we have found that those who are seeking healing, will have better results when they are directly involved in the healing process. Remembering the connection with Amon Ra, the entity which ensouls the sun, has been found to aid in the healing process.
Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, it helps to take a moment to imagine that the light of your soul, located in the middle of your head, is directly connected to the sun. To assist in this process, you may want to go outside, into the sun, as you imagine the rays of the sun connecting to your soul. However, even if you aren’t able to go out, it can help to remember that the prana, or energy of the sun, is always around us, regardless of where you are. This connection doesn’t need to last long. However, it helps if you can remember this connection and have gratitude to the sun for its life sustaining energy, as often as possible.
Many have found that the healing process begins as soon as we think of this connection.
There is no charge for this service. Healing is a gift from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Brotherhood of Light. The divine healing blessings were freely received and are freely given.