The Temple Builder

There are so many amazing, wonderful temples and spiritual monuments around the world that serve as places of communication to our Creator. For example, to name a few: the White Temple located in Chiang Rai Thailand symbolizes the purity of Buddha; the Golden Temple in Punjab India; The Sacred Tigers Nest Monastery in Bhutan, which…

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Soul Liberation

Over the last three decades there has been an enormous marathon in the development of the human psyche or the mental body of humanity. For the past centuries, we have seen the slow progression of the human intellect. Then, suddenly, over the last three decades, we have seen exponential progress in the intellectual intelligence of…

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There are many methods being used to enter into the process of meditation and contacting our soul.  Some may find this easy, but for many others, it is tedious work. Nevertheless, I am presenting as food for thought the concept of alignment and attunement, that may help seekers in their quest for truth. For those…

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The Unconditional Love of Amon Ra

Amon Ra is an ancient name that has been forgotten by most of humanity and has been shelved by the Egyptian civilization for thousands of years, so that the name refers to a mere sun deity. But who is Amon Ra really? Stars and planets are not merely inert, physical, material objects that appear from…

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