Heart Head Hand
Heart, Head and Hand…..the salutation of the Great Brotherhood of Light….. precise words embodying the real meaning of service.
In this end-cycle, transitioning to the Golden Age of Aquarius…. Heart, Head and Hand is the focal point of discipline for initiates or lightbearers to be able to carry out unselfish service in realizing their pledge to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Maintaining awareness over the three higher chakras – the heart, the throat and the head centers – a lightbearer may transcend the energies of the lower chakras that generally hold the human form in control.
In the grip of the powerful influence of the lower chakras, the form dominates the spirit and one’s existence is mired in constant struggle, conflict and limitation. One’s values and principles are largely equated in terms of materiality. Usually the energy field of an individual dominated by the force of his lower centers are colored by self-centered motivations and ideals. The higher frequencies of the soul are muted or diffused by the pull of egoic tendencies and the pressure of material form.
For the majority, for instance, the essence of love or the dominant energy of the heart center, is commonly expressed in its astral or egoic form as passionate feelings and emotions or fierce attachment like that of a mother to her child. The soul’s creativity or expression of truth, the dominant energy of the throat chakra manifesting as intuition, is usually expressed in terms of prideful or self-centered principles or beliefs. And spiritual wisdom or the essence of oneness or universality, the dominant force of the head center or the crown chakra, is often expressed as worldly knowledge and understanding.
Any service done by an individual dominated by the lower vibrations of the form, no matter how fervent, will be tainted with pride and will eventually be claimed by the ego. This is mostly the case of lightbearers who fail in their missions.
True service is performed when the lightbearer is able to sublimate his ego, his personality. Short of observing a stern or suppressive disciplinary practice to subdue the ego, the key is simply Attention. By maintaining conscious focus or attention on one’s higher centers – the heart, the throat and the head – while performing his work, the lower chakras dominating the ego, become quiescent and subservient.
Underlying this discipline of attention, most importantly, is the understanding of the truth that you are not the doer or the performer of the act of service. When a doer, the personality or the ego, is participating in the act of service, the natural flow of goodness is interrupted and restrained by the limitation of human thoughts and feelings.
Inscribed with emphasis in Master Morya’s The Will of God…..
“If the students could only accept the instruction presented by the Spiritual Hierarchy and make that personality relinquish all power, acknowledge itself as nothing and remain silent, knowing that the I AM Presence is the doer, the doing and the deed….”
True service, therefore, is…. I AM the Hand of God in Action.
The Doer of the act of service:
HEAD, the I AM Presence….thru
HEART, the Christ
HAND, Action
E. Narvadez