Lightbearer Purpose

As many who are reading this will already know, our world is transitioning into a new age, which is sometimes referred to as the Aquarian Age or the New Golden Age. The internet is filled with a wealth of information about this transition, some of which can be uplifting, and some of which can be rather scary. Our view is to inform but not to create fear.

What we present here may differ from what others have presented. However, as with all information, we suggest that if you do not agree with something, that you put it aside rather than shutting the door completely. Sometimes such information can only make sense at a later time.

As the earth goes through a transition into the New Golden Age, the process will involve upheaval and chaos on all levels, with increasing intensity. We see such things happening now. Storms are becoming stronger and occurring more often. We are hearing about freak weather events that used to happen once every 100 years, now happening much more frequently. We are also experiencing more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that are changing the face of the earth. Some may say that humans are to blame for the weather changes. While humans may play some small role, we would suggest that the main reason for these events relates to the transition of Earth into the New Golden Age. The changes are inevitable and necessary for the cleansing of the planet to prepare it for this next cycle. We see it as a birthing process, where the pain and suffering that is being endured now will result in the birth of the New Golden Age.

In addition to the extreme weather and earth changes, the emotions of mankind are also being affected. There is so much anger, as so many people become more inflexible in their opinions We see upheaval within political parties. Around the world, countries that had long histories of friendship are suddenly suspicious of each other.  

These things will continue into the future, perhaps even worsening, which will result in masses of people being uprooted as they seek safer surroundings, whether it is from storms, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, war, etc., or a combination of factors. We hope that as the world experiences such events, it will result in people learning to put aside their differences so that they can bond in their efforts to help each other survive. Calamities often seem to bring out the best in humanity as we all try to help our neighbor or anyone in need. At such times, perhaps the most important thing to remember is that we are all souls. As souls, we will continue to live and evolve. Therefore, there is really nothing to fear, since life will always continue. If we depart our physical body and “die” during this period, our life will continue in another incarnation.

We let go of anger, of our desire for revenge, of our wish to see others suffer.  Regardless of our motivations, we stop saying or doing things, that are meant to harm others. We recognize that we are all one; we are all united. Because we are all one, we realize that the things that we don’t like in others are reflections of the things we don’t like in ourselves. Recognizing this becomes an opportunity for us to look inward to examine such personality traits and perhaps heal them. We also recognize that with the law of karma, whatever we do to another being will be done to us.

Our view is that as we move into the New Golden Age, we don’t expect everything to suddenly be wonderful. We expect there will be a period of transition where everyone will have to adjust and rebuild. People will need to come together to rebuild infrastructure with perhaps limited resources, as trade and commerce and supply lines will likely have been affected. This will provide an opportune time to put our differences aside and focus on all the things we have in common, so that we can all have a role to make the world a better place for everyone.

How do lightbearers fit into this work?

As the world as we know it, seems to collapse around us, the lightbearers will be the ones to bring hope and light the way for those who are struggling. They are the ones who, with their more open third eyes, will be able to guide the survivors to safer places. They can help to educate people in spiritual studies. The esoteric teachings, which have been passed down through the ages, do not involve any one religion, but find commonality with all. The lightbearers are those who typically have been drawn to energy healing and/or natural healing methods, and will be able to help those in need when resources are limited.

The lightbearers are those who can help to calm and reassure the masses as we go through unprecedented worldwide change. It may seem like a daunting task, but the lightbearers will be guided by their souls to help humanity. No matter what path a lightbearer had been taking, they are wired to help humanity and will naturally step into their true calling.

Many lightbearers struggle with wanting to know their purpose. This is perhaps very common because the lightbearer always wants to be the best they can be. They were born to serve humanity. The paths which we have taken can often help us to identify the roles we will play when our help is most needed. Some of the things we have learned, which seemed rather unimportant at the time, will suddenly have a purpose. However, perhaps even more important is that in each of us is a Divine Plan which has been guiding us all, and which will continue to guide us. The work we have been doing to connect with our souls, our higher selves, in meditation, will help to guide us at this time. The work we will do is all part of a bigger, Divine Plan, that will help to shape humanity for the centuries to come.

For the lightbearers who struggle because they aren’t sure what to do, we would suggest spending time doing inner work in meditation, to learn to listen to their souls. This is the work that will make the lightbearers the most effective when they are the most needed.

It may seem like daunting work, but this is why we are all here at this time! We are on the precipice of perhaps the biggest change that the world has seen in centuries. We expect many big changes, and events that will surprise many. We also expect to see pockets of light bursting forth and multiplying as lightbearers begin to step into their true purpose. We also anticipate that this transition will be guided with Divine hands, and we expect to see many miracles. Truly, there could be no more exciting time to be alive!

By L. Stein
July, 2019


  1. joyce on July 2019 at 3:31 pm

    Exquisite prose

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