Mystery School


Mystery Schools date back to antiquity, as a way to pass on sacred knowledge to lightbearers who are on the path of initiation. The Serapis Bey Mystery School, offered through this site, is given by the Master Serapis Bey, whose residence is in Etheric Egypt. While some may think of ancient Egypt as a place of Polytheism or Paganism, or a place where people worshipped stone statues, it was actually an advanced civilization, under the guidance of Masters. As time progressed, dark forces began to use the sacred knowledge for their own purposes, and knowledge which was once known by all, was altered or hidden by the dark ones who rose to power, in their attempts to subvert and control the masses. In order to keep this sacred knowledge alive, groups formed so that this information could continue to be passed down to new generations.

The Mystery School offers the successful applicant an opportunity to work with a tutor to understand the sacred teachings which are found on a YouTube channel for Arthur Pacheco, the medium who channeled these lessons. Within these teachings, which have been passed down from advanced civilizations, are the keys to soul liberation, which will be the guiding principle as we move into a new cycle. It is hoped that those lightbearers who receive this instruction may be better equipped to serve humanity as we go through the difficult but necessary birthing process that will take us into the next cycle, sometimes also known as the New Golden Age.

Who may apply?

All lightbearers on the path of initiation are invited to apply.

How does one apply?

Interested applicants may submit an application found at this link: Mystery School Application

What is the cost?

There is no monetary cost for this course. The knowledge shared in this course was freely received and is freely given. All materials and communication will be online.

What can I expect when I apply?

All applications are reviewed by a committee who will determine whether the application should be accepted. Following a review by the committee, all applicants will be notified of their status. Reasons for acceptance or rejection will not be shared with the applicant. Successful applicants will be assigned a tutor who will work with them on the lessons. The entire course will take approximately 5 months to complete, but length may vary depending on the progress of the student. The student or the tutor may decide to terminate the lessons at any time.