The Unconditional Love of Amon Ra

Amon Ra is an ancient name that has been forgotten by most of humanity and has been shelved by the Egyptian civilization for thousands of years, so that the name refers to a mere sun deity. But who is Amon Ra really? Stars and planets are not merely inert, physical, material objects that appear from nowhere. Stars and planets are ensouled by a Great Beings of great intelligence and consciousness, of knowingness, with volumes of power and love that cannot currently be conceived by the human heart and soul. Such great intelligent beings are the ones guiding all the kingdoms (from mineral to human and the spiritual realm) in their journey from perfection to perfection in all levels of evolution and in all octaves and realms of life in the solar system. In this solar system, Amon Ra is the God head, the source of all life, the core of infinite love and creation pulsating in the hearts of all beings in this solar system. Without the energy of the sun, nothing would survive.

This Great beautiful being Amon Ra infinitely pouring unconditional love to all creation at all times. Practically speaking, we can see that when men, animals, mineral stones, and plants are exposed to the sun at the same place and time, the heat and light energy emitted by the sun is the same for all; it does not discriminate that the man needs more than the plant or that the plant needs more than the animal or mineral. Thus, they all equally receive the same energy.  It is very obvious then that this is an unconditional giving of life force itself, beyond discrimination. Every atom and molecule receive this life force in abundance.

This unconditional love of the Sun God Amon Ra is inherent and naturally flowing in abundance in all directions, sustaining life physically and spiritually in all realms of existence in the solar system. At the core of our being, the truth of this unconditional love is inherent for each and every one. It is the very nature of our true selves, our soul and spirit to radiate this unconditional love infinitely and immortally.

Today we seldom see this unconditional love in the world. Most people love only for their own conditional purposes and reasons. Love stops there because of the various attachments and selfishness overshadowing humanity. Personal love is better than no love at all, but unconditional, infinite and immortal love is best.

How can we manifest this unconditional love on the physical plane? We say we love all that is connected to us: our parents, brothers, sisters, children, relatives, spouse, friends, pets, plants and other objects of our personal interest. All the care and love that we give is mostly for our individual, self-centered reasons. We are unaware that the love and affection we give out, mostly ends in our personal self-interest, and so we forget the source of that love.

We say that our parents, our brother, sister, wife, husband, children, friends love us very much and we love them so much in return. It is not a bad thing to love, but we are forgetting who created that affection that we most cherish. We are not able to see where that love originates. That it comes from one source, abundantly flowing to all life. The creator uses the objects of our affection as instruments, so that love will be able to reach our hearts.

We forget to channel that gift of love back to where it belongs, to be in deep gratitude to the one source that created the love that we truly enjoy. Channelling that love to the source completes the loop of love unbroken, and returns to its unconditional state.

My friends, we have to realize that when we love someone, that this flower of love was plucked from the garden of unconditional love and shared with us by the creator so that we may know and feel the bliss and grow spiritually in love. Thus, we should always channel this love back to its source, to the ocean of unconditional love where it belongs, and we should stay there for a while every single day. This will help us bring back the essence of unconditional love to the physical realm and let it radiates in us naturally.

The love we experience through feelings and emotions is the predominant form of love that we recognize. However, we are forgetting other forms of love which are beyond emotion, but which we live in, every second of our life. Just as breathing supports the growth of our body, many of us do not realize that that rhythm of breath is a gift of love from the creator, and that we have the privilege to partake of the creator’s own universal breath for our own physical and spiritual growth. Although some of our brothers and sisters spend their lives, which is on loan, for their personal purposes, this one source never complains how they use these energies which are on loan.

We have to learn and never forget to be in deep gratitude to our creator, Amon Ra, the logos of our solar system, for all the gifts and blessings that we receive every single day. In remembering this, we may draw the unconditional love from its source and let it radiate in the physical realm.


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